Tuesday, August 19, 2008

love {squared}

So, I'm kind of in love with my square platters.
I'm not sure.
I'm definitely not a square kind of girl.
Most of my stuff is very curvy, feminine, girly,
princess-y even?
I don't rock the modern, clean edge look very well.
It just isn't me.
But, I do love this platter.

I have two of them.
I originally bought them for the
Cute as a Button Baby Shower
because nothing was better
for showing off these cakes
than to march them uniformly across these platters.

And the other day I made
Sour Cream Coffee Cake
for a Mom's meeting.
I just had to pull out my square platters.

It looked awesome.
Someone asked if I had picked it up at a bakery.
It was delicious
and it looked great.
What more could a girl ask for?
I think I'm in love. <3
Click here to get your own.


  1. Okay, now I am not ingnorant to know that it's has nothing to do with the squareness of that platter that effects the beauty of the mouthwatering foods you create and put on it. It is darling though and I can see how you could use if for anything and everything.

    Such a darling little post though.

  2. I.need.a.bite.

    who cares about the platter.. bring on the food!
