Friday, August 22, 2008

A new do

Olivia and I have had problems with her long hair for quite a while.
For a long time I keep it cut really short
but one day I decided to let it grow,
imagining pony tails, pig tails,
buns, and twists.
Hair bows and pretty accessories.
Somehow in the mix of all of that,
I forgot my lovely daughter's personality.
She doesn't like her hair messed with.
At All. Period.
No combing, no brushing,
no fixing, no leaving it in.
And tears,
always tears.
I got tired of it and decided enough was enough.

So, we made an appointment

And here are the results!

snip snip

My beautiful girl,
her beautiful smile,
and her swinging short curls.
She's so happy with her new do.
I haven't seen her smile so much
since I don't know when.
Short suits her.


  1. YAY! I love little girls with a bob! It is just precious on her, I love how it rims her darling face!
    Muahs for those little girly cheeks.

  2. so cute! I loved her expressions while getting it cut. for some reason I expected it to be much shorter that it is... but oh she does looked so delighted with it...and it's so suits her like you said...Fun. Bouncy. Bright and darling!!

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Adorable. She does look incredibly happy.
    I would love that 'do for myself! Where in town do y'all get your hair cut?? I'm still searching for "the one"...

  4. wow, her haircut turned out so so adorable. looks so fun!
