Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We found this big bubble wand at TJ Maxx the other day
and decided to give it a try.
I tried to make our own bubble solution
(without a recipe mind you)
and it didn't work so great.
Maybe next time.
We had fun taking pictures though!


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    A friend of mine has a great recipe for bubbles. I'll get it from her or send her here to give it to you herself ;)

  2. Hey! Shanna sent me over here. I actually have just used bubble solution but add glycerine. It's kind of expensive, but it helps make the bubbles stronger. I have a good site but admit I haven't tried the recipe yet. But Glycerine will help a ton. Hope that helps!! CUTE blog BTW!

  3. ......cute bubbles and the girly in the Bumbo.. :)

  4. fairlight, just wanted to pop in and say you've won this week's giveaway! stop by my blog for the details. congrats and enjoy your set of stationery!

    xo. marta

  5. Anonymous7:13 PM

    First let me say how much I enjoy TJ Maxx! Or as I like to call it...TJs.
    You just never know what you are going to find there!!

    Looks like y'all had fun anyhow...great bubble solution or not. :-)

  6. I too would have just winged making my own bubble mix. I usually have little luck with things like that, but it never stops me!
    Lovely pictures of your beautiful girls. They will make a great scrapbook spread!
    Don't you just love summer?
    Sarah :)
