Monday, November 07, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 7

"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine
by staying in the house.
So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air."
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
Today I am thankful for:
warm socks
a child who woke me up really early
for being awake 1 1/2 hours earlier than normal
the smell of fresh coffee
oatmeal with brown sugar, peanut butter, and chocolate chips
conversations that help me straighten out some mixed emotions after receiving frustrating news
warm sunny afternoons
the 2 hours of play time all the little ones had outside
making some headway in the cleaning
watch Samuel and Sadie-Rose play together
bath time with those two
Samuel's unending desire to be outside and only outside and forever outside
Magic School Bus DVD's from the library
doubled recipes
silly phone conversations with my little sister
Mike cleaning out the fridge and taking out and washing all the shelves
acting silly together behind the fridge door where the kids can't see us ;)
the opportunity to be a better encourager to a child who is a perfectionist and easily discouraged
making up sentences to ask and then answer each other with our limited vocabulary of ASL
Olivia taking time to brush my hair
Sadie-Rose's sweetest question of "Can you ever forgive me mommy?" with the most desperate tones (makes me chuckle every time, she's serious but also repeating it from a movie, so don't think I was being harsh on her!)
Samuel's brand new act of giving "kisses"

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