Tuesday, November 08, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 8

Today had many potentials to be a not so good day. Phone calls were made and prayers asked for. And circumstances changed. Immediately. It was pretty amazing.
So, I'm thankful for:
prayer that changes things
family members who will pray for me and even take my silly requests seriously
getting to take a shower totally alone while the kids slept this morning
a sweet girl who is the best sick patient even while running a 103 degree fever
having had this fever thing go through all 3 kids, no more kids = no more fever...right?
Samuel sitting in his swing for ever an hour while Olivia pushed him
the opportunity to fix and deliver a meal for a friend who has a new baby
realizing Samuel probably really does understand when he says "da-da, bye-bye, and ba-ba (ball)"
chocolate chips being on sale at the grocery store
yummy yummy hot gooey brownies
leftovers for supper
the sweetness and love between Sadie-Rose and Samuel. They love playing together.
light-bulb moments
gorgeous weather
Samuel making it through the entire evening without screaming or throwing a fit
Sadie-Rose not throwing up one time today and being fever free by bedtime
loving on my kids

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