Sunday, November 06, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 6

Normally I do "family edition" of 30 Days of Gratefulness on the weekends, but I wasn't talking to much of my family last night and tonight everyone is already in bed and asleep. Maybe next weekend!

I'm so very thankful for
-encouraging conversations with a friend at church
-knowing that I'm not alone or a failure at this battle with my laundry
-a new worship song at church that gave me peace and encouragement
-an older worship song that always helps me through the tougher days
-our pastor who has such a heart for God and is passionate about what he's doing
-the direction our church is going and the exciting possibilities
-for nursery workers who dance with my baby boy for an hour and a half to help him to sleep so I can have a little bit of time for just me and to listen to the sermon
-for dinner ready in the crockpot when we got home from church
-for kind words and hugs from Mike
-for the positive that AWANA is putting into my girls even when I feel like pulling my hair out for the Mike and I part of it this year
-precious dear hold-close-in-your-heart-for-a-really-long-time words about our family from someone we really admire
-for coupons in earth fare
-for nutella on graham crackers
-and newman's organic oreo's
-and chocolate
-and popcorn (yes, I'm on a junk food binge tonight)
-for God knowing exactly what I needed today and meeting me and holding my hand to help me stand back up on my feet when I was feeling really beat down and encouraging me through the worship, the message, and friends (who had no idea that they were being used) when all I really wanted to do was stay home today, not talk to my husband (ever again lol,) and not get out of bed (possibly ever again either.) Our God is a great big God and we so often think that he doesn't really notice that we're discouraged or sad or having a rough day (or two) because surly, there are way bigger things for him to be concerned about, but no, He sees me and my heart and takes the time to show me some of that love I'm always preaching to my kids about. It's pretty awe-inspiring and amazing.
So today, above all else, I'm really really thankful for that God-moment that was just for me.
And I think I'm ready to start a new week tomorrow, certainly feeling more refreshed and definitely less over-whelmed (even though my clean laundry is piled through the hall and the sink is still full of dirty dishes) thank I was this morning when I got out of bed.

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