Thursday, April 23, 2009

How does your garden grow?


If you are on the fence about the square foot gardening - don't be.
It is amazing.

I remembered this weekend that it's time for an update on our gardening adventures.
We've been eating dwarf pak choy almost every day for a week! It's a good thing both our girls like it! :) I harvested over 5lbs of it on Sunday. It's so good and such a delight to be eating something that we grew our self.

I need to take more pictures. We have stir-fry greens, collards, snow peas, heirloom tomatoes, zinnias, marigolds, carrots, onions, leeks, bell peppers, hot peppers, zucchini, patty pans, wild flowers, cornflowers, and potatoes all growing. And a few more things we need to plant. It's so fun to see our garden growing!


  1. WOW. that seemed really quick.. didn't you guys only just plant that garden...

    so awesome!

  2. VERY impressed! And a little jealous your weather permits such lovely produce so early in the season! We woke up to frost here this morning! I think I'm going to try a few container veggies this summer. I wanted to try a garden but with the timing of the baby didn't think it would be a good idea! What do you think would be the easiest to grow in a pot for a newbie?

  3. how amazing! I am so excitted to harvest some things from our garden, although we aren't as lucky as you and have a long time to wait.....
    If only I lived in the low country....

    btw - adorable pillow, no wonder she loves it!

  4. I am so impressed, Fairlight, it looks Amazing and just reading what you are growing, made my mouth watering, we have several things sprouting up, but not ready to eat yet, I am looking so forward to our veggies this year and you'll have to keep us updated on how they all turn out!!

  5. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Wow! Your garden looks amazing. I must admit that I am also a little jealous of your weather. My tomatoes are about four inches tall, and I am just itching to put them in the ground. But alas, they are still a little bit to small and we wont have good enough weather to plant until late May.

    I guess I will just have to come here to look at your handiwork until we can plant our own. However I'm not sure that my garden will be quite as prolific as yours. You certainly have a green thumb!

  6. Look at all of that gorgeous produce. Hard to believe it's that time of year already ~ you've really put a lot of work into that garden. I wish I had one ounce of your energy, Fairlight!

  7. Im dying and can't wait to pick your brain more about this....

    your harvest looks so yummy and delightfull and Im totally soaking up reading the square foot book.

    next year fairlight, so so doing this.

  8. i was on tumblr and found my way to your blog-again. I've loved reading about your gardening, and I'm seriously envious of your bounty! We only have baby plants right now. But still, that's so exciting. and I'm bookmarking your tumblr.

  9. mmmmmmm...... yummy!!!!
    I need to plant mine.. PLANT you say? Why yes! We wait untill the very last moment to plant here in Idaho. Unfortunately it still can get very chilly outside in the night.
    But I am QUITE excited about it! :)
    HOW are you?? It has been forever since we had our last chat. Sometime this week work for you????
    I love you sweet Fairlight!!!!
    Hugs and hugs!
