Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A camping we will go

or actually, went. (Warning: very very heavy picture post ahead!!)
Last weekend Mike and I took the girls and went camping in the Appalachian Mountains. We love the mountains and always have a wonderful time. We visit and stay in the Smokey Mountain National Park. They have several campgrounds and we love them all, but are very partial to one. :)
We spent a lot of time enjoying the scenery and taking short walks since there were high chances of rain all 4 days that we were there. It didn't seem too wise to venture far from shelter with the downpours that blow up over the mountains. We had lots of fun and enjoyed every minute. Even the wet, muddy, and dirty ones.

We discovered while camping that Sadie~Rose is our nature girl. ?I've never seen a little one with such an affinity for dirt, mud, water, rocks, and plants. She was in heaven the whole time we were there. And a dirtier urchin I have not seen. But she had fun, so much fun.

We went to the Cherokee Indian Museum on Friday morning.
It was the perfect indoor outing for a rainy day.

We went to a working grist mill.
It's always a favorite hike for us.

We also hiked to Mingus Falls.
It's the tallest waterfall in the Appalachian Mountains.
About a 10 minute hike straight uphill, but so worth it.

A heart shaped knob on our tree by the campsite.

Sadie~Rose, passing the time waiting for dinner
sitting on a concrete bumper and looking at
a Babies-R-Us magazine she found in the car.

Our drive to Cade's Cove.

We saw lots and lots of deer in the Cove
after the rain storm was over.

Rose, practicing her driving skills.

Miss Olivia, pretending to be a bear in the
Cade's Cove Visitor's Center.

A lovely little stream that feeds into another working gristmill.

Sadie~Rose playing in the water.

Mike and the girls in front of the mill.

Driving through the park
you get some of the most amazing views.

We have a hard time keeping this child out of the water.

River stones.

Mother's Day.
Mommy with her girls.

Last picture on the camera.
I was taking pictures of the mountains
out the window when Olivia says,
"Quick, I need the camera!"
So I hand her the camera
and instead of pointing it out the window,
she points it at Mike and I's clasped hands.
Which is how we ride.
And what she sees.

Daddy and Mommy <3>


  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Beautiful. What a great weekend and lovely Mother's Day for you. Love that last shot, too. We have a few exactly like it taken by our girls riding in the backseat. It certainly sends a powerful message, doesn't it? Love rules!

  2. what fun you guys had!

    So many great things in this post that I love...

    Rose's reading of babies-r-us magazine... Her numerous water shots...the cuteness of Olivia just having to take a photo of her parents holding hands.. the deer (we dont have them here) and your beautiful photography :)

    thanks for sharing Fairlight and...
    I miss miss miss you too!
    and I hope you had a happy mummys day - you totally deserve it !

  3. ps. that is like my first comment on a blog in like two weeks! you should feel totally honoured ;)

  4. Oh wow! I have so missed all of your faces! Good grief, Sadie Rose has gotten soooooo big! I cannot believe how time flies.
    I feel much more content having seen all of these.
    I am so excited for you guys and your future. So many good things, God has in store for you.
    Your week-end looked awesome! I so wish we could have been there camping with you.
    Loves to you!

  5. looks like an amazing way to spend your mothers day - absolutley beautiful there!!!

    But, do share more on your big future plans - I am so so excitted for you guys!

    missed you and your sweet family around here....

  6. Ohhh I have been so waiting for camping picturs! They all turned out amazing, too, just wishing that we could have joined you and seen all those pretty faces up there in person! Maybe next time for sure! I am especially loving that last picture, it looks a lot like how Benji and I spend our rides lol

    Loving you sweet friend and so loving this window into your camping trip!

  7. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I adore this post...and all the pictures and sweetness it holds...especially that last one, that Olivia took. What a amazing example her Mommy and Daddy are of what true love looks like.

    And I love getting to see so many pictures of your entirely gorgeous little self! And of course the ever increasing darling-ness of your girls! And how in his element/happy Mike looks when he's out a-camping. :)

  8. the whole post is perfect.

    but then the end really takes the cake... what could be better than having your girls see that day in and day out... security for sure.

    love it.
    and btw... she has an eye! :)

  9. Olivia took that photo. Priceless.
