Thursday, April 23, 2009

For Katie

and for Olivia.
This past monday was Olivia's 6th birthday and this is one of the gifts I made for her.
Several months ago on Domestic Bliss we had a scrap swap. One of my lovely partners, KT, made us the adorably sweet matryoshka doll iron-ons.
Olivia immediately latched on to them, claiming them as her own. So I've been dreaming up a way to make them into something that will stay with us for a long time, rather than a t-shirt that will be outgrown in a season or two.
So, I hit upon the idea of a little patch work pillow. I had somthing slightly different in my head, but I was running out of time and lacking in inspiration so I ended up finding a fabric in my stash that matched the little doll perfectly and cut strips out of it to make the square of fabric the right size to fit over the pillow insert.
I think it turned out quite adorable and Miss O. is tickled with her darling pillow and sleeps with it nightly.

Doesn't she look sweet?

One of my favorite details of this pillow
is the 4 vintage buttons from my stash.
Love them!

Thank you Katie, for a wonderful gift.
We will treasure it for many years to come!


  1. oooh thank you for these pictures Fairlight. I had been popping over often hoping to catch glimpse.

    This little pillow turned out so great, and I am so glad she likes the matroyshk...and the fabric you choose definitely compliments it wonderfully!

    ps. a little scrappy trivia - the bottom fabric is from Chelle and the top pink fabric was sent by Jacy. So there is a little love from those ladies too.. and two fabric scraps that have been sent around the world (twice!)

    and I'm so glad I was able to send you something that was so fun to make that you could add into your own creative little projects :)

  2. Such a cute the buttons on the back as well! You are so very talented!

  3. Oh, I love this! It turned out talented you are. And a belated happy birthday to Miss O. How can she possibly be six?

  4. The Matroyshk doll was one of my favorite things! I absolutely love her on the pillow and I bet Olivia will cherish that forever, it is DARLING...I also love love love those pretty buttons on the back!

  5. I love the Russian Doll! Awesome job, she looks amazing!
