Monday, December 08, 2008

December Daily: Day 6, 7, and 8

Just a quick rundown of the weekends activities since so much went on and I'm 2 days behind. :)

Day 6

Daddy went to the paintball fields at 9am
Olivia and Mommy finished all the decorating
and then went shopping for an hour or so.
Came home, cleaned some more
(it never ends)
Daddy came home, we ate lunch,
got dressed for church, went to church and then
went to see the Christmas lights
at James Island County Park.
Two accidents and a tank of gas later,
we made it to the entrance to the park.
Thankfully after that it was smooth sailing.
We had lots of fun looking at all the lights
and we joined up with our friends at the
"Santa's Workshop" area to
roast marshmallows,
drink hot chocolate, take the nature walk
which was lit with giant butterflies
mushrooms, and dragonflies,
We rode the carousel and looked at the giant
Christmas cards all before deciding
to ride the rest of the way through the lights.
We arrived home a little after midnight.
I enjoyed the quite drive home,
listening to one of my favorite Christmas CD's
and listening to my family sleeping peacefully all around me.
Lot's of fun and a great way to help
kick off the Holiday spirit.

the welcome

the new bridge in lights

in a tunnel of lights

the kids all got snowman light-up necklaces.

close up of giant sand sculpture

the full sculpture

riding the carousel
the smile says it all, doesn't it?

roasting marshmallows

my favorite part, right at the end
a giant live oak with every limb and twig dripping with
icicle lights.
The pictures doesn't do it any justice.

Day 7

We slept in,
recovering from the previous late night
and then Mike made pancakes
substituting baking powder for baking soda
(unintentionally, but with not so good results)
we cleaned house (again)
and took a walk around the neighborhood
enjoying the midafternoon sunlight and watching
all the neighbors putting up lights.
We had our last homegroup meeting
of the semester.
Everyone showed up for the 1st time of the entire semester.
We had to laugh, but it was good and lots of fun.
We are looking forward to the 5 week break,
but can't wait to get started again in January.

Day 8

Such a quiet day
spent only at home.
I gave Olivia her very own
silver tinsel tree for her room.
We are going to decorate it in
mini turquoise balls and pink ribbon garlands.
It well be so sweet looking in her room.
I made my Christmas swap gift with Olivia.
(shush! I'm a few days late!)
We made a jingle bell wreath and it is so adorable.
We want to make a bunch more.
We also worked on stringing up a bunch of popcorn
to adorn our green feather tree that is wearing
only handmade ornaments this year.
We read books, looked at magazines,
and addressed Christmas cards.
I love days at home where all is peaceful and calm
and we can enjoy being creative together.
More projects to come tomorrow!
Along with pictures of today's crafty-ness.

1 comment:

  1. Look at all those pretty lights!! I bet you guys just loved oohing and awwing over them! We really want to take the boys up to the horse park in Ky they have so many lights like those I know Noah would love it!

    Loving your dailys full of smiles, Fairlight!
