Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Can I move in?

Am I think only one who loves Alicia Paulson's house?
Some day, I would love for my house to look just like her's on the inside.
I'd even take the Polish pottery. And I'm seriously trying to convince Mr. Mike that we need (I want) a corgi. Just to look cute around the house, ya know?
(BTW, has anyone read her new book yet? I'm dieing to get a copy in my hands, but haven't taken the plunge yet. Why is buying books for myself so hard?)

Who wouldn't love to move right in? All the vintage-thrifted-handmade goodness. Pinks, blues, white, and lots of beautiful sunlight.

But I think I most love her home at Christmas time. It has the most magical glow, everything sugar-coated and tooth-achingly sweet.

This is what I want my girl's memories to be filled with.
Delicious goodness, sparkling ornaments and a cozy place to celebrate.

I adore the little snow covered Christmas village and so want to start collecting my own. Olivia and I have a fascination wiith all thing minature, and if it's Christmas related-even better! The only problem is that I have never seen any in the antique stores, I suppose I must start scouring Ebay even though I hear (via Country Home magazine) that these are very collectable and highly prized. So, dear friends, if you happen to see any on your sojourns out and about and it's got are really awesome price tag on it, grab it for me! (If you're not planning on keeping it for yourself, that is:) )

Here's is one of my most favorite of her Christmas posts.
She references to "the wreath" which I'm coveting. I want one of those!
She also gives the link to the instructions but you basically need a styrofoam wreath form, 3lbs of gumdrops, and 160 toothpicks broken in half, and time (she mentioned several hours:) ) I've been tossing around the idea of throwing my own gumdrop wreath making party, but I don't think I know anyone in real life who would be interested. So I may just be making one on my own. Maybe a small one for Olivia to work on and a big one for mommy to work on.
Soon. We are going to be decorating the gingerbread house this weekend so maybe while I'm out buying candy for that, I'll pick us up several pounds of gumdrops and some wreath forms. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Oh, I wish I could come to your gumdrop wreath making party! Really I do! I have been wanting to make one of those with Audrey...

    And I too adore Alicia Paulson's cozy little home!

  2. her house is darling...
    and I would come too..

    I've been wanting to throw a playgroup for the toddlers to make there own wrapping paper and haven't.. darn it if I am not going to do it! :) I am!!

    Thanks Fairlight for getting me off my keister... :)

  3. I love her home, Fairlight all the pictures are so irrisistable looking! And I would totally come to your gumdrop wreath party! TOTALLY! Leave the boys at home and bring my finest gumdrops :) I'm looking forward to seeing your adorable gingerbread house this weekend or whenever you post it Noah and I are going to "attmept" one as well lol I'll have to let you see how we did.

    Loved this post of all the sweet tooth goodness!

  4. I have to say I bought the book and there are quite a few projects I can't wait to try. You should take the plunge, or put it on your Christmas list.

  5. Anonymous3:17 PM

    They look like great fun to make. My children and I used to make (when they were small) gumdrop Christmas trees. Same idea just using a foam cone, they come in different sizes so they small ones kept a wee one's attention long enough to finish! Have fun!!
