Friday, December 05, 2008

December Daily: Day 5

Day 5

Today was an incredibly busy day.
Our morning was smooth -
breakfast, baths and hair washing for all,
school work and tests,
a movie and then lunch.

The afternoon had me running
hither thither and yon.
I picked up some yummy handmade soap
from a friend,
dropped Olivia off at another friend's,
attended a surprise birthday party
{just for mommy's}
at another friend's.
Stayed way too late eating yummy food
and talking about running over squirrels and
frosting recipes.
Run quick to pick up Olivia,
home to pick up Mike,
who made us dinner that we ate in the car
on the way to another friend's house
that was babysitting for the evening
while Mike and I went shopping for the
"Top Secret Project"
which left me giddy with excitement and possibilities.
Ran into some very dear old friends and introduced them
to Miss Sadie~Rose.
Went to Barnes and Noble to browse around
and got coffee at the in-store Starbucks.
Went to Kohl's and perused the "sale"
that wasn't much of a sale.
And then it was off to pick up Olivia
who had spent the evening teaching the adults
how to make sugar cookies
and watching Frosty the Snowman
and The Polar Express.
The daddies made plans to go paint-balling
in the morning
while the mommies secretly plotted
what all they could get done
while the daddies were out. :)
Home again,
and every one to bed.

...and to all a good night.


  1. loving your dailys...
    so very much so.

  2. W.O.W.
    so much fun and I can just hear your giddy giggles through your words lol

    Love you
