Tuesday, December 09, 2008

December Daily: Day 9

Olivia and I ran out of syrup for our french toast but decided that white chocolate chips and powdered sugar works beautifully in it's stead. :) Very festive looking too!

Forgive me for being so late on these posts, but I'm have a very uncooperative internet that keeps shuting down without any warning. Makes uploading pictures take 24 hours or so.

Anywho, I finished the decorating (mostly) and though to take a couple of pictures around the house.

For the last several years my grandmother has been buying me a nativity set, piece by piece. Last year she got me the last piece and I have to say that I love it so much.
It's very much the centerpiece around here.

My jingle bell tree and a lovely star made of chipboard, glitter, and sparkly stuff around the edges. My kind of stuff. :)

This is one of Sadie~Rose's latest obsessions. Wearing shoes on her hands. Anything from Olivia bright pink ballet shoes to Daddy's very heavy steeltoes. She wears them all.

Olivia was so tickled and pumped up on sugar. She is enjoying the book on the couch beside her. She has an amazing love for matryshkas. :)

An ornament for Rose from my mom last year when she was born.

Glass house from Germany.

I love these ornaments. They look so pretty nestled in the tree.

My mom found this sweet little girl a couple of years ago and it reminded her of Olivia. It's been on our tree every year since.

I put up the lights on our porch in the afternoon. It's not much, but it's still pretty.
See Olivia peeking out the door? It was raining and pitch black out so she had to check on me.

hi :)

A pretty silver dove. I'm loving birds on the tree this year. I've got a list of ones I want to sew and give as gifts and hang on trees.

Here's a little peak at the jingle bell wreath I made. It's so cute and makes the prettiest little ring when it's touched. We'll be making more of these.

And look look what I found last night! Prefect set, never taken out of the box Christmas village! And a wonderful price too! It's now mine and will be on it's way to me in a few days. The perfect start to a lovely Christmas tradition. I can't wait to set it up on the buffet complete with lights and paper snow.
Who says you can't have a white Christmas in the south?


  1. ooh how Fairlight, everything is so amazing and beautiful and warm and snug - you have outdone yourself. Please do post up a pic of the little Christmas village all set up when it comes too - we would love to see it :)

  2. I love all your pretty Christmasy's they are so gorgeous! your house seems so loving and cozy and warm..and..

    Love you dearest
