Friday, October 31, 2008

Farewell October

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.

~George Cooper

I hope you all enjoy this last day of October. This month has seemed to be on wings and positively flew by. Tomorrow is November and the countdown to Thanksgiving and Christmas really begin. Love to you all...

Pictures taken by B Bowden of Rochester, NY.


  1. Good bye to you sweet Autumn!
    Hey there Fairlight! Sheesh you are a busy ladie early in the morning.
    Missing you!

  2. a lovley good-bye post. Ü

  3. so...
    yesterday night I cut up some of your scraps and mixed them with some of Chelle's and turned them into some cute little things. I'm still waiting on Jacy's fabric to arrive so I'm trying to stop cutting into them anymore but it is just so fun!

    Have you started making anything yet?

  4. You send some lovely packages too (well from what I've seen so far) I don't think I ever mentioned how impressed I was by the way your fabric scraps were wrapped up. such a cute idea :)

    I can't wait to get my package from you either and I am glad to hear you like your fabrics :)I made another small something for you last night too. I'm having a ball with this swap and can't wait for work to end so I can go to the craft shop this afternoon! So many ideas I've got to try and work out too.

    ooh and I can't believe I won the baby guessing comp - i feel guilty for winning 2 out of 3 of the games!!

    Love ya too!

  5. Oh, Fairlight. I am most decidedly NOT ready for Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. ;) I'm visiting my sister right now in Oahu, and they are going Christmas Crazy. Christmas trees, Santa, penguins everywhere ... feels a little odd!

  6. Such a lovely way to say goodbye to October. It is well into a week in november now and I am still wondering where it went! So many yummy things and celebrations to look forward to!! Im sure you have been super buisy planning for ms Rose's big birthday party? I can't believe our little ones are turning one.
    Do I say that every time I come over? lol
    Love you sweet friend and if I haven't told you before you are so dear to my heart!
