Thursday, November 06, 2008

A surprise birthday

Debbie, a dear friend of ours had a birthday coming up, so Celinda decided to throw her a surprise birthday party and asked me to be in on the planning and decorating part.
And you know me, party planning is right up my alley. So we worked ever so busily for a few weeks, keeping it all under wraps and praying it would all turn out well.

And it did. Everything came together beautifully and perfectly. It was a wonderful evening full of friends and good food, some good laughs and a few tears. My pictures don't do it all justice, but I hope you can at least catch the spirit of it.

All dressed up and waiting.

Celinda's husband, Creg, hung twinkle lights
and Chinese lanterns all round the yard,
giving it the most romantic and sweet atmosphere.

Sadie~Rose was never at a loss for someone to hold her during the evening.

The fire outside was roaring,

and was complete with a tray of s'mores fixings.

Surprise! Happy Birthday!

Can you tell that she was surprised? :)
Baby Gabe did not like everyone's shouts at all!

We had a lovely table set out on the porch with
amazing good food.

Celinda made the cutest polka dot cake!

Blow Debbie, blow!

Happy Birthday Debbie, we love you very much.


  1. Oh my this turned out so, so lovely, just as I knew it would. And she looks so happy and sweetly suprised. Another party pulled off beautifully...what fun Fairlight!

    Now on to planning Sadie~Rose's big birthday bash. ;)

  2. How beautifully enchanting it all looks! I'm sure she felt so blessed and I definitely caught the spirit of it all!

    Loves to you dear friend! So glad you have been having lots of fun :)

  3. Oh and I meant to tell you that Annabelle has that exact dress that Rose is wearing. Gotta love Osh-Kosh outlet!

  4. surprise! you are the sweetest friend! what an awesome party you planned. i love, love that polka-dot cake. looks like so much fun. and i've been meaning to tell you fairlight, i just got my christmas pottery barn catalog in the mail, and they had this dream pillow...and i thought, no way, they stole your idea! and yours is so much cuter!|20|||0|||||||holiday%20bedding&cm_src=SCH

  5. This is a gorgeous party, Fairlight! Your loved ones are so blessed to have you!
