Thursday, October 30, 2008

home again

home again... jiggity jig
We're home! Did you miss me? :)
We had a good time in FL visiting family. It was a little crazy and a little chaotic, but there were 12 of us in one house and that just happens to be my family.
We love each other anyways. :)
It was so good to see family members that we haven't gotten to see in a long time, really good.
I hope you enjoy the pictures (and commentary.)

The welcome
I enjoyed all the amazing flowers around the house. These are "Bird of Paradise" (I think)Angelia's banana tree with baby bananas on it!
A bromeliad
One day we went to visit the town of Mt. Dora and we had lots of fun browsing through shops and enjoying the most delicious weather.

The best frozen coffees ever! I'm so not kidding. I would go back to visit, just to have another one. :)

Really neat iron (and copper?) gate. I loved the roses.

Amazing looking Shepard's pie through the bakery window.

Sunlight through the trees

Rosie and Mike, so happy

looking down the hill to the lake at the foot of the town

not sure what these are, but really pretty

another "not sure" but such a pretty vine-ing flower

Lovely bougainvillea, it was everywhere

Gorgeous flowers but check out the thorns on the stem! Just a friendly reminder to look and not touch!

When we came home in the evening we enjoyed glasses of wine and books by the pool.

Sadie~Rose watching the pool action from the sidelines.
Some enjoyed evening swims

and Olivia playing in Hershey's bed.

Another day Mike, our girls and I went to Wekiwa Springs State Park which was amazing.
We found bear tracks by the walkway. It was so strange to be in central sunny FL, and be all bundled up in coats (it was 60 degrees at noon), walking through sand, out in the country, seeing cactus, and bear tracks. So strange, but fun. :)
We went back to Mt. Dora in the afternoon to visit the great knitting store and cupcake store. I had a chocolate cappuccino cupcake. Yum.

Olivia and Mike devoured theirs before I could hand off the baby and take pictures.

I had a productive trip home. Knitting and books on iPod.

We had to stop and give Rose a little snack of sweet 'taters
and guess what welcomed us?

Home sweet South Carolina!

Thank you, Leland and Angi for having us and putting up with the commotion!
Olivia's already talking about next time and I'm pretty sure Rose is missing Hershey.
Love you guys and we'll have to do it again!


  1. so many beautiful pictures, Fairlight! They show what a great time you guys had and all the priceless moments that you'll get to remember for years to come! It looked like such beautiful weather and the flowers are so gorgeous looking and how I am dying for one of those iced coffees now! :P
    Love you and so glad you made it back home safe and sound!

  2. Lovely pictures! I am so glad you guys get to get out so often. It seems Pete works CONSTANTLY. My hubby tends to be M.I.W. alllllll of the time. sigh. It is almost 7pm and he is still gone.
    Ah well. Anyhow, for some reason I ADORE the picture of Olivia in the pool at night. It is really darling. Well, I love all of the pictures. You are an awesom photographer.
    Missing you Fairlight!

  3. Welcome home! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time and made it back safely. I so adore your photography. I think you ought to take pictures for Martha Stewart; your photos of yummy treats and "good things" look right up her alley! Thanks for sharing, and so glad you're back!

  4. This looked like such a lovely trip Fairlight and the photos are all amazing, the sunshine is blissful, the cupcakes look so yummy and that dog is huge!

    glad to hear you guys had such a lovely trip.
