Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hello September! Hello Hanna!

It's September. How did that happen? Are we really headed towards autumn?
Yesterday it was 65 when Mike walked out the door for work. I haven't seen that side of 65 since sometime in April. It made me want to fix oatmeal and curl up on the couch with a quilt, cuppa, and a good book. But I knew better. It was 80-something by 10am.
But I am enjoying cooler weather in the early morning. There's a lovely breeze all day that makes being at the park particularly enjoyable. We've been doing a lot of park lately. It's great for after school meetups and morning break times.
Being September, it's also right in the heart of hurricane season. Most of you know I love on the southern east coast. At the moment we have Tropical Storm Hanna rolling towards us. Thankfully she is projected to head north of us now, for the last few days we have been preparing for a direct hit. We are still making plans for food and water, and taking safety precautions. It's definitely better to be over prepared than to be caught not prepared. Olivia and I have fun plans for the weekend though. We're making cookies tomorrow - before we lose power. And then Saturday, as Hanna blows through with 60+ mile per hour winds and 12+ inches of rain, we are going to be tucked safely at home playing Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Scrabble, and Wahoo. Eating cooking and drinking ice tea. Maybe a little sewing or knitting, some nap taking, lots of radio listening, catching up on magazines, and just hanging out together. Keep us in your prayers though. These storms can be unpredictable and we are still keeping our eyes on her. We will mostly likely, lose power on Saturday, can't be helped, and a slim possibilty of it being off on Sunday too. Depends on the wind. I'll keep you guys posted, but don't worry too much if I'm missing for a couple of days. I'll be back on as soon as the electricity and internet are working.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    We had the stormy tail end of Gustav the other day and I could see on the horizon how stormy it was closer to the coast.
    Good luck and stay safe!

  2. I love your attitude about it. I am sure you will be safe, and we will pray for you guys. Have fun making cookies and playing games. What a wonderful week-end!
    Loves to you dearest!

  3. Anonymous3:30 PM

    We are preparing over here as best we can. Our main concern is tying down our new trampoline. I think I've got it figured out, though. I'm looking forward to some "unplugged time" myself. Take care!!

  4. praying for you guys.. enjoy the cuddle time.

  5. OH how I LOVE my picture! I am so glad I got it! I will be getting more from you for sure....
    I am having it profesionally matted and I will buy a frame, gonna look at thrift stores and antique stores before buying to see if I could be just lucky enough to find the PERFECT one.
    OH I hope you LOVE your Moleskine!!!!!! I am sending it out tomorrow or Monday. Faith has a little something she is finishing in the morning for you, then off it goes!
    Love to you darling girl!

  6. hopping Hanna passes you by....
    thinking of you...

  7. I'll keep your family in my prayers. I absolutely adore the picture of the piggy toes! Have a wonderful weekend! ~Dawna

  8. I hope all is well. Please update us when you can. It sounds like you have had lovely activities planned.
    I too have been loving the fact that it is September...I am in the mood for Fall.

    Sarah :)

  9. so how did you fare this weekend? sure was thinking of you...
