Friday, August 29, 2008

lovely lovely letterpress

My amazing letterpress cards came.
I love them.
I think I might just be addicted to letterpress now.

Aren't they lovely?
Thank you Elise! I will enJOY them ever so much! :)


  1. Oh, I love them too! I was so jealous when I saw that you had won them over on Marta's blog, but so happy that someone I kind of knew had gotten them as well :) They really are so lovely- I think I would have a hard time even using them!

  2. And they are so lovely. ;) Just catching up with you and have been thoroughly enjoying your last few posts. I do love your not so little library. I do confess I took many of the children's books from my previous home ~ all but the "Walter the Farting Dog" books. No, I left those. Love Olivia's new haircut (short hair does suit her, you're right!) and the pictures of Sadie Rose. What sweet girls!

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    They turned out beautifully! I agree that I would find it hard to make myself use them. Enjoy...write some lovely notes and be sure to keep one to look at!!

  4. sooooo darling! and how fun that you won them dearie!

  5. Anonymous12:54 AM them.

  6. i just saw this...i am so glad you got them!!!
