Friday, September 05, 2008

sisterly love

The other night Sadie~Rose sat up from a sound sleep at 1:30 am.
She was wide awake and on a mission.
We couldn't figure out why she kept trying to crawl off the edge of the bed.
Mike finally set her down on the floor and we were curious to see where she would go.
She set off across the room, down the hallway,
and stopped in front of Olivia's closed bedroom door.
And just sat there, kind of whimpering and sighing.
Mike came over and picked her up, bringing her back to bed.
She stretched out her arms to Olivia's room and cried like her heart was broken.
We cuddled and rocked, snuggled and talked,
trying to get our little one to understand that sister was sleeping and couldn't come play.
She finally nursed back to sleep, holding her daddy's little bedside flashlight and humming to herself.
In the morning Olivia crawled into bed with us and was greeted
by the brilliant smile and delight squeal of her baby sister.
I think it's pretty obvious that they adore each other.


  1. I have a feeling,this kind of heart melting sweentness can only be shared between sisiters. Such a beautiful post dearie.

    Our weekend was so, so wonderful. Oh and did you get your swap package from me yet? You should have by now.I am so worried it didn't make it too with the storm and all??? Praying that's not the case.

    Have the best little day with your girls and know that I love you.

  2. I saw the pictures and thought does it get any sweeter.. but then I read the story and decided.. yes yes it does!!

    hoping you get my swap package too!!! VERY VERY SOON!

    your girls are beyond precious!

  3. love those matching pink hats. ;) you have absolutely gorgeous daughters, fairlight {they take after their mom, completely}. lots of prayers that you all successfully batten down the hatches during the storm ~ as long as no one huffs and puffs your house down, your family will have an amazing time being together!

  4. So precious! They are darling!
    Okay, I made a mistake..... I sent out your package yesterday afternoon (yes late), and I forgot the card that I wrote. SIGH! Ah well, you will see who it is from on the package,
    Just know it was sent with LOADs of fun thoughts of you opning and enjoying. I sure do hope you love what I did to your moleskine, it yelled "Fairlight" to me.
    OH SO glad that you made it out fine with the stinkin' weather!

  5. how blessed they are to have eachother - nothing is better then sisters, nothing!

  6. definitely so sweet...sisters are definitely something to be treasured.

  7. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The bottom photo is my favorite. Absolutely precious.

  8. Anonymous9:41 AM

    So sweet. You have captured some beautiful photos of your girlies there. I love the second one where Olivia is putting the flower over Sadie-Rose's ear. Precious moments.

  9. Such a precious post and a precious bond between your sweet girls! I couldn't help but smile when I was looking at the pictures! Beautiful!!~Dawna

  10. This was the most darling post...when we found out we were having a another boy, I dreamed of them growing up being best friends...I can see your Olivia loving and protecting your little Rose and having a younger sister myself, I can say there is nothing sweeter than the bond between sisters.
    Love the pictures!
