Saturday, August 23, 2008

Your a Winner

The lovely Miss Marta over at m.writes had a fun giveaway last week, and guess who won!
Me! I will be receiving a set of 10 personalized letterpress cards from Elise.
So exciting! I can never find anything with my name on it (go figure) so this will be a treat.
I'll post a picture as soon as they arrive.
I know they will be gorgeous.
Until they get here I satisfy my cravings by browsing through Elise's etsy shop
and catching up with her at her blog. She's super sweet and fun.

Yay for giveaways and letterpress! Could there be anything nicer?


  1. Oh how LOVELY!
    I too have the same problem. So it makes me even more excited for you! Oh do show us pictures!
    AND I am so excited to have you as one of my notebook girls!
    Just trying to put you in my head so you will come out with a bit of me for fun!

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Congratz! Sounds lovely ;)
    I love the display picture you're using now - beautiful!

  3. So tickled you won. Can't wait to see them...and I am with Shanna...that new display picture is so gorgeous.

  4. YEA!!! Those are so awesome!

    Plus I just looove that website, don't you??
