Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Singing in the rain

We've had several rainy days lately
and Olivia decided to go out and play.

She's my happy girl.
We adore our rainbow umbrella,
she's wearing my rain jacket from when I was little,
and her wellies from her Marmee.


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    She's getting so big Fairlight! What a fun set of pictures with that umbrella!

  2. so so sweet, I love your backyard too....

    she looks so grownup!

  3. Sweetness, I tell you, pure sweetness!
    And I love her rain jacket and boots - it wouldn't be as fun without them, huh???

  4. What a great, big, umbrella~ I'm envious :-)
    Looks like she's having a great time~ would she share a little of her rain?

  5. Anonymous6:40 PM

    What a sweetie!
    Yes, how about that rain?? Pretty persistant all day today. I'm thankful we haven't seen any of that "severe weather" they predicted for us today!

  6. lovely little pink boots ... better than the morton's salt girl. ;) {i loved playing with umbrellas when i was her age ~ pretending they were parasols ....}

  7. such cuteness in these last two posts...I can hardly stand it!!! makes me want to s-q-u-e-a-l with delight.

    that and I am loving the pretty new songs at the top of your playlist...

    boy, I miss you!!!
