Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Life lesson learned...

...never wait until the week after new year's to buy your calender.
all you will find is john deere tractors, whales, maxim, puppies and kitties,
sheep, and sports illustrated swimsuit edition.
not exactly kitchen wall material.

note: i finally found my favorite calender artist's site here
and finally ordered a new calender. you can see it here


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    HAHAHA I've so been in your shoes and you're exactly right. The selection leaves much to be desired!
    I love the one you chose. I usually look for Madeline Englebright calendars. I love the little life lessons for each month.
    I'm so sorry you've not been able to get into my photo site. I'm having a hard time deciding whether to keep it locked up or put it back out there. Business is slow and I'm not sure if I want to keep going with it or take a break. My head is spinning lol Once it's viewable on my profile page, I'll have it reopened.
    Thanks for stopping by!! C'ya around! ;)

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Silly me - I meant Mary Englebright...

  3. oh Fairlight, sorry to hear your days have been covered in some unpleasantness as well...
    Praying your family and well just the adjustment of everything your going through.Miss seeing you around, but Im sure all 20 fingers and all 20 toes are keeping you running if not ragged..

    Ohhh now off to look at pillows.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Just a quick tip. Kraft foods and the Pillsbury website both offer free calenders in December with recipes each month. I love them, they are a staple in my kitchen.
    {san diego}

  5. Hilarious! I seriously just laughed out loud!! : )

    PS Found you through Swell Life...will def. be back again!

    PPS Saw that Elizabethtown was one of your fave movies...ME TOO! I'm a little bias because it was filmed in my hometown of Versailles, KY, but I still LOOOOVE the movie! Think I'll watch it right now!
