Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!
Welcome 2008!
A Year for New Beginnings
A Year for Transformation
A Year for Grace and Joy
A Year for Reconciliation
and Hope
God's blessings to all my dear friends
and my precious family.
Now, let's play the games, watch the movies,
and pass the cornbread please!
Ps. Happy Birthday Dad! We love you!
Pps. If you have no idea what I'm talking about with the cornbread, see here


  1. It's funny Fairlight - we always have cornbread on New years Day too! Hope you had a terrific holiday and that 2008 brings you much joy!

  2. Just missing you. And thinking of you.

    And wanted to let you know that.

  3. would love to see how the little Rose has grown.

    btw have I ever told you that I am the one totally oogling your sparkle pillow. I look at it weekly its adorable and the twirl one... so flipping cute. In fact I keep trying to get myself to commit to Rylans future bedroom so I can justify it now. But you will take special orders in the future right!!???!!!!

  4. new post please?

    huge missings!
