Thursday, January 17, 2008


Please tell me that I'm not the only person that is totally in love with the $1 section at Target.
It's the first thing I do when I walk into the store.
Yesterday I snagged a pair of very cute pink bowls
and a set of white and pink polka dot tea towels for my mom
and three boxes of scrapbooking embellishments.
There were several other things I would have liked to get
(like the pink heart shaped ramakins,
the glitter word stickers,
a cute hat for Rose,
and matching socks for Olivia and I)
but since we were on a clothes
and gift shopping spree
for Olivia and a couple of her friends
I had to restrain myself.
I just had to share though.
Love Target.
Love the $1 bins.


  1. I totally agree! $1 for dishtowels you can embellish and give as a gift. Seems as if there is ALWAYS something there that we 'need.'
    Gotta go pick up photos at our Target soon so I'll get to see what's new!

  2. oh yeah. I am loving there short rolls of wrapping paper bought 5 rolls of the red and white polka dots. Gotten SO much fun stuff at the $1 spot.

  3. That's the best part of the store! I can't go there without at least checking it out!!!

  4. first of too...three cheers for cute at Target for only a buck. and secondly, Leslie, you found red and white polka dot wrapping paper!!!! I didn't see that at my FAIR!!! ;)

  5. Me, too! I was just there last night & loaded up on some pink & green scrapbooking goodies, body butter that smelled yummy, a couple lint rollers, etc, for a swap I'm in.

  6. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Yep, I hear ya! My last purchase from those bins was several tiny gift bags in which all the scarves I'd crocheted for Christmas were to go in ;)

  7. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Was just there this morning. Stocked up.
    God bless :)
