Thursday, December 20, 2007

Our Sunday afternoon project

Gingerbread house!

Here's what Sadie~Rose thought of this whole business.

One happy girl!


  1. if that isn't the CUTEST ever gingerbread house, I don't know what it. Seriously adorable and look how proud Olivia is.. So darling. We always try to make one of the kits... and everyyear they collapse.. Could be cause we are all cousins 21 plus, throwing candy at each other while we make it needless to say it just ends up a gloopy glopy mess. This one though is too cute to possibly ever ever eat. But im sure you will enjoy a snack here or there!

  2. Hi Fairlight - Thank you so much for your sweet note! I am really looking forward to meeting lots of new friends. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon - together, baking, and making wonderful family memories! Enjoy!!!

  3. that gingerbread house could seriously win's that darling...and the look of satisfaction on Olivia's face in that last picture is priceless...isn't it just the best to be together...We love you. Oh and Chirstmas mail on the way to you, as of yesterday.

  4. love that gingerbread house! it is beautiful! I really don't have a secret. I do all these things when my kids are asleep, unless they can help me with something, then i do it when they are awake but believe me, if I had a four week old baby i would not be doing any of it! those first three months can be pretty crazy. it sounds like things are going well!

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Cute!!! I've never ever done a gingerbread house before. Now I don't have time this year. Waaaaaaaah!!! Maybe next time around.
    God bless :)

  6. What an absolutely precious gingerbread house decorating day!! Your home is just overflowing with creativity and love! :)

  7. Peace, Love, & Joy
    These are my prayers for you, my friend
    Have a warm & blessed Christmas.
