Thursday, December 13, 2007

3 weeks

So hard to believe that Sadie~Rose has been with us for three weeks now. She has become such an integral part of our lives and I'm not sure how we got along without her before she made her arrival. Never have we had so much joy and love in our household. It's amazing what one little child can do. Not wanting to forget anything, I wanted to write down some of our {her}
highlights from the past three weeks.

~by the grand old age of three days, Sadie~Rose's 1st tooth was already thru and shining. {No, I'm not kidding and I have a picture to prove it!}
~had our 1st bath when she was three days old. She loved it.

~Marmee and Aunt Violet came on day four to take care of us.

~Our 1st outing was when she was 10 days old. We went to the library book sale. And then Christmas shopping at Tuesday Morning. She did wonderful.

~ Also at 10 days old, we put up our Christmas tree and mommy put all the lights on by herself {which put her back in bed for most of the next day.}
~ When our midwife came over on day 10 {yes, Sadie~Rose's 10th day of life was extremely busy!} to do her PKU test, she weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz. She had gained 1 lb and 4 oz in 10 days! I was so proud of her. :)

~Around this time, we started getting to sleep for 4 straight hours at night. Praise God!

~Aunt Violet could get Sadie~Rose to sleep any time, anywhere while she was here. It was amazing.

~Marmee and Aunt Violet went home when she was two weeks old. Leaving Mommy in charge of two little girl's all by herself. {we've all survived!}
~Sadie~Rose had a terrible bout with gas the night that she was 14 days old. Non-stop crying and screaming from 7 pm until midnight. Never was I so glad to hear someone pass gas.

~Meme and Grandpa came to visit us when she was 15 days old.
~We took our first trip to Mount Pleasant and Whole Foods grocery store when she was 16 days old. The child is a born shopper. Just like her sister, her mom, her aunts, her grandmother, and her great grandmother. :)

~We took her to "The Singing Christmas Tree" that night and she behaved wonderfully. Her big sister on the other hand....

~Our 1st time back to church and Sadie~Rose was 17 days old. She slept through the intro, the Praise and Worship, the announcements, and the drama but woke up when Pastor Mike started talking and decided she was hungry. We spent the rest of the service in the nursery, catching up with friends {and feeding the baby of course.} We had a blast showing her off to all of our friends.

~Ate out at Panera Bread and went shopping at Sam's after church. She did great and we even ran into some friends and got to show her off even more.

~We celebrated Christmas with Meme and Grandpa when she was17 days old.
~On day 19 she decided it was time to start smiling. So, now we get smiles, if we talk to her just right. Oh, and she;s starting to "talk" to us as well. So much sweetness in such a little body.
~At 19 days old, we took her out shopping again, yes, again. Earth Fare and World Market. She decided to eat while at World Market. Mommy got to sit in the van. :)
~Her favorite time of the day is early morning, around 7 am. It's usually just her, mommy, and daddy. She'll lay in bed between us and look around with her big wide eyes and wave her hands and "talk" to us. Taking everything in. Smiling. Makes my heart want to burst.
~Three weeks old to the day, we had Meme take our picture for our Christmas cards. Sadie~Rose did not want to cooperate. Neither did Olivia. There are some rough pictures in the bunch, but a few good ones too. {funny little side note: both of my girls wore outfits that Chelle got for them. How cute is that?}
~Three weeks old and one day-Meme and Grandpa headed back to Oklahoma and Daddy went back to work. Mommy is left alone with two little girls...again. {We're doing good!}
Things I love about this little Rose:
~the soft baby fuzz on her ears, her back, and her shoulders

~the way she'll give you a half cocked grin when you kiss her on the cheek

~how she follows her sister around the room with her eyes, you can already tell that she adores her~the way she snuggles with her daddy and cries when he goes out of her line of sight

~watching her "peck" for her dinner {or breakfast, or lunch, or anytime snack} when she's really hungry

~how her chin and bottom lip quiver when she's upset

~her "startle" reflex
~how she likes to rub her tongue on her tooth when she's not finding anything interesting to look at
~how she scrunches up in a ball to sleep on my lap

~the sound of her "purring" while she nurses, the sweetest sound on earth

~her sweet little nose

~how she always gives a little kick at the end of a big big yawn

~how she sighs in her sleep

~the way she looks around, so bright eyed and inquisitive
~when she forms her mouth into a perfect little "o" and you can just hear the thoughts in her brain. Oh! she says.

~her fingers, so sweet and delicate. I love to kiss them
~how she likes to dance to music and bounce on the birthing ball when she has the hiccups
~her looking right up at my eyes while she's eating

~the sight of her little mouth, all milky after she falls asleep and let's go. Once in awhile, you'll catch her with a big grin. So satisfied.


  1. Oh...sigh...this she is, you are, this was, just so have captured the precious moments so lovlingly & well. And those pictures are stunning! Your family picture is just gorgeous...but my favorite one is of just you holding Sadie Rose that shows your face from the good to hear all your happiness spilling over in this post...but it gives me SUCH baby fever :)

  2. so I keep coming back here to re-read this and look at the beautiful pictures again...:) Thoughts like these are floating around in my head:
    that tooth of hers is remarkable...
    I can't wait to see the family picture up happy I am for perectly sweet Sadie-Rose is...and is it just me, or does Olivia look more "grown up" than usual...

  3. what a post! Love it.

    She is so beautiful. And a tooth. And you look amazing. Your family looks so sweet.
    Loved getting to hear how you all are doing.

    and love hearing all those things "new" baby. Ohh and keep it up if it gives Chelle "the fever".

  4. {Sigh} What a beautiful, beautiful early Christmas gift! I hope that you're all getting along so well. I can't even imagine the busy-ness!

  5. I am so in love with the fact that she has a tooth! What an amazing surprise. Every baby is so unique in how they grow and change and learn. Please keep sharing as you have time...I adore hearing all of the tidbits.

    Sarah :)

  6. Hi Fairlight - I am new to blog land, but I have been reading your posts for some time now. You have such a beautiful little family and you look amazing - did you really just give birth!!!??!!! Your daughters are incredible, there is nothing better then sisters!
