Saturday, December 08, 2007

lovely day ahead...

in-laws arrived last night

had a lovely dinner together

lots of baby holding

watched an old movie until we were all falling asleep

{except the two little girls of course}

today is winter-y

at least from looking out the window it is :)

hot chocolate and good company for breakfast

this evening we are going to see

"The Singing Christmas Tree"

at a local church

we're meeting some dear friends

and taking Mike's parents

can't wait

haven't been to one since I was 10

dinner out afterwards

yummy food and family {again}

lots of kisses

lots of snuggles

lots of pictures {hopefully}

good to bed happy


  1. hope your day is as lovely as it sounds, and hope that baby is giving you some stretches of sleep.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just what you need, a LOVELY day. And I hope it proves to be even lovier than ancipated. So glad you are going to get out and do some Christmas-y things. Can't wait to hear and see the pictures afterwards.
