10 years ago I said, "I do" to this man.
He's pretty amazing, if I do say so myself.
We agree that we'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, if it was still to each other.
We think on the same brain wave length pretty frequently.
I think that's ridiculously cool.
I know his likes and dislikes better than my own.
We don't fight very much any more.
Discuss? yes. Heatedly? eh, some. Disagree? occasionally. Out right fight? It's been a long time.
I think he looks even better now than he did 10 years go.
We've learned an incredible amount of things together and grown in that knowledge.
Somehow, we've even discovered and developed interests and hobbies in the same things along the way.
He stands by me and gives me his support in even the craziest situations.
Some days his analytical-problem-seeking-and-solving-brain drives me berserk but most of the time, I can only say "Thank you Jesus for making this man the way he is!"
He can look at something going on in our life from an unemotional view point and see it so much clearer than I can.
He thinks it's awesome that he's converted me to bell peppers and kind of to mushrooms.
I can trust his gut instinct every time.
Most of our detailed conversations happen in the kitchen while we're cooking.
But our in-depth soul-bearing heart-breaking moments usually take place late at night, lying in bed. And there's usually a small child lying in between us.
We dance in the kitchen almost daily.
We always hold hands in the car.
I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that he's right 98% of the time.
Hence why I do a Snoopy dance and write it down when it's the other 2% of the time.
He disagrees with the above statement. :)
We both think we are introverts, not sure how we ever managed to talk to each other in the 1st place.
We aren't perfect by any means, but even with all the tough stuff, life is pretty sweet.
We're definitely looking forward to the next 70-some years together.