Friday, December 02, 2011

December Daily - Day 2

We spent the evening with our Awana leaders. It was our 2nd Christmas party and we're only on Dec. 2nd, but what a way to start the holiday month! :) We had lots of fun, the food was yummy, we were all kid-free (except for Samuel), and I seriously laughed until my cheeks hurt. I have to say that Tammy is pretty darn funny. And between her and Brady, I think Lindsey and I were giggling most of the night. We told silly stories, felt like we were breathing fire from all the jalapenos in the chicken wraps, and stole each others gifts without mercy in the white elephant gift exchange. Poor Mike, he got an aromatherapy, lavender and chamomile sinus and stress relief eye mask. Some day, he'll get something awesome. Obviously, it won't be this year. ;)
Some much fun and silliness, we really should do it more often. At least once a quarter, instead of once or twice a year. We have too much fun not to.
But in all seriousness, I'm thankful for the team that we have and all the hard work that each person puts in on a weekly biases to make AWANA work. God has really been stretching and growing Mike and I through this time and I pray that we come out victorious on the other side. Thankfully we have a good group of team mates to turn to for help and encouragement.

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