Thursday, December 01, 2011

December Daily - Day 1

Today was a day, let me tell you. My comment to Mike? "Today's goat rodeo could definitely be called a 'fail." (Don't know what a "goat rodeo" is? Here ya go! #1 & #3 make my point.) But, we made it through even with all the craziness. But, what I want to remember most about today is this:

Today was Olivia's last violin lesson with her teacher, who is moving to the Florida Keys at the end of December. We are terribly sad, even though we've only been taking lessons since September. We love Ms. Melissa and lessons are the highlight of our week. Tonight was our monthly "Fiddlesticks" class, which is the assembly of almost all of Melissa's students and they all practice playing together,  followed by "rhythm wars" (of which Olivia won out of the 4 girls in her class and just narrowly missed winning when challenged against the winner of the next higher level. We were and she was quite proud.) and that was all followed by a small Christmas party. It was fun to see Olivia and the little girls in her class stand up and play with all the big kids for their 4 songs and see them all try so hard to get the rhythms right so they would win. And we treasure every moment we can get to spend with Melissa and learn more from her. Olivia has grown and learned so much from her and the experience has been such a positive one, I hate to see it come to an end.

 Olivia with her classmates (Amanda Joy, Addie, and Karigan)
and her lovely teacher, Melissa

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