Tuesday, November 29, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Days 28 & 29

Day 28 this day I was thankful for:
hot compresses for my eye that was mysteriously swollen, red, and painful
a laid back morning of watching cooking shows with Mam
Mike and the kids playing outside
Gary taking everyone on a really long ride in the Gator
successful trips to town to find diapers that Samuel isn't sensitive to
Greg and Mel coming over one last night to hang out with us
a super delicious dinner (more food!)
homemade brownies and ice cream (and more food!)
finding all the little toys that Sadie-Rose and Olivia had strung around the house
a semi-early bedtime
Mike's Dad, Mom, and brother who put up with us and our crazy kids for an entire week, giving up their bathroom, bedroom, spots at the dinner table, and normal routines just because they love us

Day 29, I'm thankful for:
easy drives to OKC with no rush hour traffic
easy security checks
easy flights and lay-overs
easy kids
the easiest trip ever in Mike and I's 10 years of traveling to OK
my eye being all better
being home
being home
being home
a pot full of herbal tea
a tiny sneak of one of our family pictures
a little boy who loves going to bed early (at least, early for my kids)
finishing up a dozen graham cracker "gingerbread" houses for tomorrows class
sleeping in my own bed :)

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