Tuesday, November 22, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 26 & 27

Yesterday, the 26th,  I was thankful for:
rainy blustery days
my glasses
apple spice muffins
pecan pie
huppla in the kitchen
watching my girls giggle at their daddy and uncle's antics together
making a pot of soup with Candy, Mike, Jarrett, and the girls
too much food (oh my word, too much food! Somebody stop me!)
swapping guacamole tips and then eating it all
watching "Captain America" in the middle of the morning
falling asleep, hard, and Mike and Jarrett taking the girls outside to play so I could sleep
cranberry fluff
chats with Mike's mom and dad
long naps for Samuel
Braum's ice cream with toasted coconut and nutella on top (see! I told you to much food!)

 Today, the 27th, I'm thankful for:
the kids sleeping in
broken ice in the mudpuddles
church together with family
getting to sit through a service because Mike kept the boy
Mike getting to reconnect with an old friend
meeting new friends
yummy lunch at a new to us restaurant
driving by the house we had planned to rent a year ago and seeing the sweet neighborhood it's in
hanging out with family at Mike's parents house
peppermint ice cream and buttered pecan ice cream
turkey and noodle soup for supper

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! And good job on keeping up with those thankful posts - it is so true that every day brings many things to be thankful for :)
