Tuesday, November 30, 2010

30 Days of Greatfulness, Day 30

Day 30

Wow. I can't believe how quickly this month has gone past and it's the last day of November!
In October we had some disappointing news which made Mike and I really have to take a step back from all of our hopes and plans that we've been working so hard on for the past 18+ months. It was difficult and sad (although a bit of a relief) and I was having a slight tendency towards the mediocre and seeing the negative, so I decided to do these greatful posts because I felt like I needed the reminder, daily, that there is at least one thing in every day to be greatful to God for. I am so blessed, yet I forget. Lord, help me to remember.
Some days were fun and easy, and others were most difficult, but such a good exercise for my mind and soul to come into alignment with my spirit. I'm almost wish the month was a bit longer or that I would commit to another month. :) I hope some of you have enjoyed these posts and I hope that next year I will remember to do it again.
And without further ado, Today I am greatful for:

my husband ~ we are far from perfect but I've been reminded over and over again this month just how thankful I am to be married to this man. I'm ever so greatful for his grace to me every single day for the past 8 1/2 years. I'm greatful for his desire to know more, be more, and live better. It's a desire we've both had and it has, thankfully, been something we grown in together.
I'm greatful for every day that he gets up early and goes to a job that he doesn't necessarily love to provide for me and our little ones. I'm thankful for the smiles, hugs and kisses he has for each one of us every time he comes home. And I'm so thankful that he holds my hand, still, everywhere we go together.

Olivia ~ My bright shining star. She is my biggest challenge and yet, I think she will be my biggest accomplishment. She stretches me daily to be a better mom, a better person, to feel deeply, to see delight in every little thing, to pray unceasingly, to keep myself humble, to laugh at the rediculous, to be gentle, oh so gentle with little things like "feelings," and to be affectionate when I would rather not be, to step out of my comfort zone. Life hasn't been the same since she entered my very young world and I am very very deeply greatful to have her as my daughter.

Sadie-Rose ~ our sweet baby girl. I'm thankful for her easy-going spirit and gentleness. I love how she wants to "do it herself" and yet will still ask for help upon occasion "mommy, pweas hep me nooowww." I'm greatful for her giggles that are as infections as can be and have anyone in earshot giggling too. I'm thankful for the love she quietly but oh so fiercely has for her daddy, her sister, her mommy, and doggy. I'm greatful for her politeness that flows easily and generally without prompting. I'm thankful for all the snuggles and cuddles I've enjoyed from her for the past 3 years. I'm greatful for her sense of humor and her quest to be as big a girl as she thinks her big sister is ( and then some.) I'm very thankful for the happiness that she brought to our little family of three that she changed to four.

Baby #3 ~ I am very greatful for the blessing of carrying and growing you inside my womb. I thankful for the unexpected surprise that you were and still are. I'm greatful for all the thumps and bumps, rollicking and partying that you do in there. It reminds me to be thankful that you are growing and healthy and strong. Each one of us is very eagerly looking forward to your arrival and anticipating holding you in our arms. I'm thankful that God is giving me another child to grow and who will grow me as well.

a month of thankful/greatful's to look back on and remember.


  1. And I am so thankful for your beatiful, beautiful heart + life, my darling friend. And for this really lovely daily peek into your heart and life over the last month, which as excited as I am for December and all it brings, I am more than a little sad to see this month and these posts end.

    You are so beautiful. And you inspire me.

  2. I'm thankful for your posts, for the smiles they have brought me, and for giving me the idea to do this with a friend of mine who, like you, had been hit by something difficult. So we are doing this together, from Thanksgiving to New Years. To remember this holiday season that there is so much to be thankful for and so that she can take some time each day to remember the small things that make her happy. Thank you.

  3. I love your heart, Fairlight. It is a gift and your words are so beautiful.
