Monday, November 29, 2010

30 Days of Greatfulness, Day 29

Today I am greatful for:
spiced waffle batter that we froze before we left and got out to thaw the night before
hot cocoa (mommy's laced with coffee)
Sadie getting to open one last birthday gift that arrived while we were gone
said gifts being so entertaining that they lasted all morning
a nice long chat with my father in-law
getting everything unpacked and put away
Olivia's delight that is almost equal to my own when I showed her the new thrifted pyrex
all the Christmas posts on Tumblr
cleaning off the china cupboard to make room for the Christmas village about to appear there
Olivia really "getting" her math lesson
the total mischievousness of of Sadie-Rose
her daddy's mischievousness that matches hers
an easy dinner
early-to-bed family members that allow mommy to do some last minute cyber monday shopping

1 comment:

  1. I like the "laced with coffee" part, it made me laugh.
