Sunday, November 21, 2010

30 Days of Greatfulness, Day 21

Today my greatful list is long. So very long.
Three years ago tonight, a very special beautiful sweet little baby was gently born into this world. Her birth was the most peaceful event, so much better than I had ever dreamed of. And her birth into our family changed separately, each one of us and together, our family unit. She was, and continues to be, a precious soul and a joy. And it's so fitting that she would be born just hours before Thanksgiving day began. Along with my marriage and my first born, she is one of the "things" I will always be most thankful for.

(just minutes after she was born)

So today, I'm thankful for the past:
her beautiful birth
the peace it brought
my great midwife and her awesome assistant
my great supportive husband
my precious older daughter, who watched in awe and wonder
our family and close friends who were praying for us and then
all the support, love, and visits that came afterward
amazing friends who brought delicious meal after delicious meal for 3 weeks
a most lovely little bundle in my arms
(I will never forget Mike and I lying in bed at 2am, taking pictures of her because we just couldn't believe how perfect she was.)

(early morning pictures)

Today I'm also most greatful for the present:
good friends who celebrated with us yesterday (they were there in the beginning and are still with us today)
the blossoming child that Sadie-Rose is right now
playing hooky from church to spend a morning of relaxed family time
making spiced waffles and whipped cream with Mike and Rose
while Olivia hid out, working on a "top-secret" project of her own making
lots of requests for "snuggles on the couch" from Rose
leftover cupcakes
sunshine and warm weather
Sadie-Rose wearing her red polka dotted "3" birthday shirt and piggy tales all day
seeing my girls play and laugh together all day
the joy that she brings to each of us

(playing princess dress-up this morning with her birthday gifts from the Wyatt's.)

And I'm also greatful for the future:
the person that Sadie is becoming
the role I have as her mother
the potential of all that God has for her
the blessings that she will have


Sadie-Rose Joy
She has lived up to her name in ever sense. She is her daddy (and I's) princess, she is a beatuiful flowering presence in our life, and she is a joy each and every day.

Happy Birthday baby girl! You are so very loved, by so many people.

The cake recipe mention yesterday can be found here.
No modification or alterations, although I didn't use cake flour, just AP.


  1. Oh this gave me a great big lump in my throat - your writing and words are so lovely. For such a lovely girl! Beautiful and happy belated birthday to your princess.

  2. Me too Mish...big lump in my throat...and what a pure delight + joy she is, in all her three year old brithday girl glory...
    Love this post so much. Gorgeous writing dear...xo

  3. Happy happy birthday to Sadie-Rose!
