Tuesday, November 16, 2010

30 Days of Greatfulness, Day 16

Today I'm greateful for:
a made bed
a picked up bedroom
clean stairs
dinner ready and hot in the oven when we got home from the library
finding Sense and Sensibility on CD for our Thanksgiving trip
polka dot cupcake wrappers and striped paper straws that came in the mail
Pandora radio


  1. Could those polka dot cupcake liners + striped straws be for a dear little someone's almost happy birthday?!

    Are you headed to OK for Thanksgiving this year, or to your parents?

    Sure love these sweet little glimpese into your day. Makes me miss you so much on one hand and yet feel so much closer on the other. xo

  2. I hope you know, beautiful, Fairlight how amazing you are. Reading these lists are so lovely - but even more so are such a reflection of your loveliness in all you do and are.
