Monday, November 15, 2010

30 Days of Greatfulness, Day 13, 14, & 15

Ok, so I was bad and missed the weekend, and I'm going to be even worse and stick them all in one post and leave the rest of the family out of this past weekends post. Sorry!

Saturday I was greatful for:
getting the van door handle fixed (even though it was to the tune of $250)
shopping at Target at 8:30 am, there was no one in there
shopping with my family to fill a shoe box full of goodies for a little one far away
finding the perfect sweater for Olivia and the perfect skirt for Sadie-Rose for pictures
finding Hanukkah candles for $6.99
having Mike help me with some projects that I've had to put off (I've been banned from using the skil saw - all because I'm pregnant!)
getting 43 different wooden blocks cut
getting down a bunch of Christmas decorations as props for Monday's photos
finally finally finally getting one of the chalkboards painted


Sunday I was greatful for:
Mike making me breakfast
Sadie-Rose waking up with a smile
God's gentle (and not-so-gentle) reminders of areas I need to work on in my life
lovely bike rides to the playground
a call from our neighbor letting us know she was ok
a friend's daughter finally getting to come home from the hospital after 2 weeks
finishing up my advent calendar every-day to-do list
Olivia's Awana class
1 1/2 hours with just Mike and I (and Rose)
browsing through Costco and chatting with the Vita-Mix man and seeing his light shine
popcorn, apple cider, and seltzer water

Monday I am greatful for:
God's grace under stress
Olivia's helpfulness
rainbow colored balloons, vintage ornaments, feather trees, family quilts, chalkboards, and one really sweet photographer
a cell phone to call a tow-truck with
an understanding park ranger who left the gates unlocked
my husband being with me when my ignition cylinder decided to lock up
having a box of crackers, a stack of books, and a package of wipes in the van with us
finally getting to go home after 2 hours of waiting
God's peace that truly passes our human understanding, fears, unknowns, failings, and doubts
a good cup of tea and a bowl of hot oatmeal for supper

1 comment:

  1. It was a full, full weekend for you. Loving that you are recieving grace upon grace to get through where you are at right now. Isn't it amazing how Jesus uses all the "hard things" in our life to beautify our hearts. Loving all the images popping up on Facebook of your Christmas shoot. It's just so good to see, beautiful you guys. xo
