Monday, April 26, 2010

Little corners

Several weeks ago our realtor suggested that we repaint our cozy colorful home in a neutral shade. Talk about a hard decision to make! I'm definitely a fan of color and I have enjoyed my Tiffany blue living room (and bedroom) and my lavender kitchen. But, after multiple comments from other realtors about our {my} paint choices, we decided to make a change and pray that it gets us out the door and further towards our dreams. My sweet parents decided to come and visit us for a few days and help us get the house repainted. The day before they came, I wandered around the downstairs and took pictures of the favorite spots where my eyes would land throughout my day, spots of color and life. I wanted a reminder, however small, of my home the way it was. I thought I would share with you as well.

hand-painted jade egg from my grandmother's
mission trip to China
and a vintage plate

birdie statues and a {very} small stack
of favorite children's books

an old vintage lawn chair and
pink painted sap bucket

an birthday gift from sweet friend,
filled with the dried birthday bouquet
from my sweet husband

the "welcome" sign on our guest powder room

thrifting treasures hung on the wall

I love the yellow and green against the blue

my grandmother's sugar bowl
and a vintage plate
and part of a vintage crystal creamer and sugar set
all set on a shelf in my dining area

more plates on the same shelf

a hand made glass friendship ball that hung from the shelf


Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting around feeling sorry for myself in my big old neutral-colored cream painted house (well, maybe a smidgen, but that's all! I promise.) I'm having a little fun with it, trying some new patterns and mixing things up a bit (did you just hear my husband groan from the other room??) because I don't have to worry about something not working with the wall color, etc, etc. It's new and interesting and it presents a challenge to me, which I like.
Though I still miss those Tiffany blue walls...
Praying it's temporary and being positive and creative, that's my goal!


  1. I hope that this step sales it for you and that you all are that much closer to your dreams!! Lavender is my absolute favorite fact I was always so happy to see a small glimpse of your kitchen on occassion...beautiful choice in my opinion :)

  2. I personally loved the colors. They really are so you. I guess in moving, it is a must to change things up so others can see them selves in your space. I guess. Lol
    Those are some lovely photos and I am sure they are wonderful amazing memories.
    Miss you so!

  3. definitely loved the color but praying this gets you a sold house! :) over here we are in the midst of adding lots of color to our house!

  4. This makes me want to see more, more, more please! So pretty Fairlight...just like you! I hope all of the hard work pays off very soon for you! Have you been showing the house much?

  5. oh man, i would have bought your house in an instant for its tiffany blue living room and not lifted a drop of paint to change it...guess not everyone can share our fabulous taste. ;)

    soon you will be in your big beautiful new house and have a totally new canvas for decorating. glad you took these pics to help you remember the old...

    am praying your house will sell soon!

    i am so longing for a home of our own and all of the decorating options! can't wait to crack open a can of paint in my favorite color.

  6. Do you have any more photos? It is completely GORGEOUS! But I hope the cream works it's neutral magic on someone. Just know all those who love you love your colours, too. :) xo
