Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love videos

During some of my blog walking/Facebooking/Tumblring escapades yesterday, I ran across some very delightful videos, some new to me music (now playing at the top of my playlist player) and meet some new (very delightful) people. I thought I would share a bit of the sweetness with you.

How cute is this couple? Make me want to grab Mike and smooch him and then go on a date with him. :)

Amy & Dan Engagement Film from IRIS AND LIGHT on Vimeo.

I found the video from this blog (Hi Sheena!), to this blog, and finally to Vimeo it's self.

And then I found this one on Tara Whitney's blog. It's a family one and oh, such a good reminder to make life sweet and do fun stuff with your kids.

Zawadzki Family Film from Michel Sandy on Vimeo.

Some day, I would love to do this. But, until then I will enjoy watching everyone else's. :)


  1. oh fairlight thank you SO much for sharing these!! i hadn't seen either of these before but was so inspired by tara whitney's video of emily falconbridge's family a few years ago...this so brightens my day!!

    can i tell you a little secret? this is EXACTLY what jeff and i want to do as a business together someday. he has always been so into filmmaking. i think it could totally happen. we need to make a trip to visit you and make you our models. ;)

  2. Jes...so loving the idea of you and Jeff making a video of Mike + Fairlight and the girls...it would be beyond sweet + gorgeous...I can just see it in my head and of course I am balling my eyes out.

    Also we just discovered Amy Kuney yesterday and added a new station to our pandora.

    Now we are off to watch these lovely videos you found. How'd your dinner go? Love you.

  3. So I have to tell you, Hey Soul Sister has been playing a lot over here. Mark introduced to the song and it's a favorite for dancing around the kitchen too ( we finally got a home dock for David's Ipod...best $40 we have spent in a long time ) Also, some of those exact same songs I added to my playlist yesterday. It's borderline spooky to me that we were making the same sweet discoveries at nearly the same time...we must have been on the same wavelink...:)

  4. Oh, that engagement video is the sweetest thing ever! So is the family one!! What fun, what joy, and such great songs to go with them!

  5. Ever since Tara W has been doing these I have been dying...so lovely...
