Sunday, February 28, 2010

Where I'm at right now

This little diagram speaks a lot to me right now.
I'm am exactly there.
And it's very rarely in my "comfort zone"
and you know,
sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone
and doing those things that make life interesting
and worthwhile
can make other people uncomfortable too.
Even though it's not them and they are only watching you.

And then it's up to you to find grace and walk in love
Because God is that big
and He gives us an unlimited supply.
And because He does it for us.

So many life lessons
and heart lessons
being learned right now.

I'm getting ready to go on a little trip.
I'm going to get to see this friend, and this one,
and this one, and her, and her, and this one,
and this one(all the way from Down Under!),
and her, and her, and her!
I am so beyond excited to get to spend 4 whole days
with all of the ladies.
Dear sweet friends, every one of them.
Encouragers, prayer warriors,
wives and mothers ( or soon to be mothers) all.
I'm blessed to be part of such a wonderful group
of strong Christian women.

When I get back, you can expect lots
and lots
of pictures.
And if you see me in person,
probably a lot of ear to ear grins.

Friday, February 12, 2010

a little plug

Some really dear friends of mine (and myself) have been planning a little meetup on the Pacific coast for about a year now. We're getting really close (it's only a few more weeks!) and we are all so very excited. Most of us have never met each other face-to-face, getting to know each other through our blogs, through emails, and eventually the phone. :)
We started this little etsy shop several months ago to help defray the costs of lodging while we were all together, many of us are coming from quite a ways away (even from Australia!) and we wanted to ease the financial burden as much as possible. If you would, please take a minute and browse through the shop, hopefully something catches your eye! I know personally that every single item in the shop is worth every penny and was made with great love and expectation.

Please help us meet our goal to "meet" our friends and support handmade!

Click here to go to The Gumdrop Shoppe.

Friday, February 05, 2010

What are you greatful for? Day 4

1. hot tea in a thermos, ready to drink when I came downstairs this morning.
2. fresh clean hair
3. new opportunities
4. dinner plans with friends
5. pie crust + strawberry jam = sweetie pies (dessert tonight!)
6. it's Friday!!!!
7. homeschooling, so I can say that watching a documentary on Space is our science lesson (did you know that our solar system has 93 discovered moons??? Didn't think so.)
8. mom's night out craft supplies coming in the mail
9. patterned tights
10. kisses

Thursday, February 04, 2010

What are you greatful for? Day 3

Day 3

1. the mocking bird singing outside my window this morning.
2. a cup of hot earl grey tea
3. flight plans
4. peanut butter muffins
5. red and blue polka dotted buntings
6. a new book from the library
7. red down vests
8. little girl sweaters with fabric flowers
9. chicken and dumplings leftover for supper
10. quiet evenings at home

See here for
Day 1 and Day 2

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

What are you greatful for? Day 2

Yesterday's post was a great exercise, so I thought I would do another one. Hopefully one each day for the rest of the week. You can see my original post here and the inspiration here.

10 things I'm grateful for today:
1. early morning phone calls with my sister
2. a long Facebook chat with this dear friend about coordinating flights
3. sunlight finally breaking through
4. yoga, specifically from here
5. a scheduled phone date with this other dear-to-my-heart friend
6. a trip to the library tonight
7. twistable crayons
8. my little green teapot
9.the smile of my 2 year old daughter
10. my 6 year old's amazing handwriting

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Inspiration #1

I've been missing from my blog lately, but not from the internet entirely. I've fallen in-love with Tumbler again, after a break for the month of December. Lately I've been finding lots of inspiration on there, so I thought I would share some of it here with all of my sweet friends.

The most recent one is here called "Good List Daily, What are you thankful for today?". What a fabulous idea!

So here is my 10 great-fuls for Tuesday:

1. warm cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting for breakfast
2. funny things that my children say
3. a husband who goes to work even when he know it's going to be a bad day
4. prayer, lots of prayer
5. friends who will watch my kids while I go to the dentist
6. planning secret surprises
7. Tumblr
8. a menu plan
9. rainy days that keep us at home
10. a down comforter on my bed to snuggle under at night.