Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Inspiration #1

I've been missing from my blog lately, but not from the internet entirely. I've fallen in-love with Tumbler again, after a break for the month of December. Lately I've been finding lots of inspiration on there, so I thought I would share some of it here with all of my sweet friends.

The most recent one is here called "Good List Daily, What are you thankful for today?". What a fabulous idea!

So here is my 10 great-fuls for Tuesday:

1. warm cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting for breakfast
2. funny things that my children say
3. a husband who goes to work even when he know it's going to be a bad day
4. prayer, lots of prayer
5. friends who will watch my kids while I go to the dentist
6. planning secret surprises
7. Tumblr
8. a menu plan
9. rainy days that keep us at home
10. a down comforter on my bed to snuggle under at night.


  1. I like your list..and your inspirational pictures! Have been enjoying your earrings too! Saw Chelle the other night and was wearing the red "Chelle" earrings and she knew just what they were! She said she had those and the yellow pair I bought stashed away for gifts!

  2. What a lovely list and a gorgeous blog. Bravo for your husband, that's quite a virtue.

  3. Great list, especially love rainy days.

  4. MMMMM, lovely. I want to come and spend the day with you.

  5. I love when I see a blog post from you up.

    Looks like your having a nice week ...will pray for Mike though and wishing I could come for breakfast!!
    but soon we will sit in our jammies together and giggle over tea and toast and chat for hours on end - can't wait lovely lady!!!

    Also loving that last tumblr picture - the colours are great. I think I need to get back into Tumblring too :)

  6. I am grateful for your pictures, your list and your heart. They are all beautiful.
