Thursday, October 15, 2009

Playing catch-up

Hi everyone,
We're still here, I promise. Life is busy busy right now with school work and an almost 2 year old and a few new adventures that have come our way. Hard to believe it's been a month since my last post and I know a few people are pretty desperate for some recent pictures of the girls.
Here a few, take on our trip to TN and NC during our Labor Day weekend camping trip.
(Yes, I'm aware that that was quite awhile ago, but that's the best I can do.)
Hope you enjoy them!

sampling the fresh cider

Daddy, Rose, and apples.
Such a wonderful combination.

tables and tables full of apples

more cider sampling

Olivia and her apples

the orchard had wagons this year and the girls loved it!

Rosy loves apples.

Mike and Miss O.

I've been picking apples at this orchard since
I was 7 years old.
The owners recognized us when we came and it
made the old lady cry.

Mist over the creek at our campground

We had lots of rain on this camping trip and Sadie~Rose lived in her jacket

visiting the ruins of the clubhouse is a must

All of us at Abram's Falls, Cades Cove, TN

We were right inside the mist.
It felt so good to cool down after the 2.5 mile hike in.

Lovely Abram's Falls.

One our way there.

The kids taking a break from hiking to climb.

O and M were photographing all the mushrooms we saw along the trail.
It took f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

Olivia taking pictures.

More pictures

My Rose and I, with Daddy sneaking in, while we drove through Cade's Cove.

It's a bear cub!

My most favorite picture of the whole trip.
Olivia took it.

Rose taking a nap and me doing some "research"

The girls playing while we set up camp.

New Found Gap Overlook.
Our 1st stop on our way through the park.

The girls and I at NFG overlook, on our way to camp.


  1. Yay for seeing a post from you :)

    me and you have been just so bad at posting lately, huh!!
    Your trip looked lovely - so great to see pics of you and the girls and mike.

    and the apple picking looks like so much fun - especially when their is a cart involved. I sure wish we had pumpkin patches and apple picking here :)

    Also I adore the photo of you and Rose with Mike in the background - it's my fav!

  2. That was... you are...a sight for sore eyes. And you will think I am silly but I just couldn't help it, the tears welled up in my eyes as I was looking through these amazing pictures.
    And just as I suspected, Rosy has changed so much, lost her baby look and grown taller and thinned out and is looking like the pretty little full fledged toddler that she is.
    And you and Olivia are both just as gorgeous as ever. In fact, you could not be more beautiful. And Mike looks so pleased in each picture. As if to say He knows how blessed he is to have girls that "do camping."

    Now Fairlight dearest, I dare you to post, two days in a row!:)

    And sorry for the enormous length of this comment.

  3. ahhh your family is so dear, and Olivia, is looking so so much more grown up... and less little girl. I hate to say it but its true...

    and yeah for apple picking, we went this weekend and the trees were bare... took us too long to get there.

    excited to here more from you fairlight...

  4. oh my beautiful...the pictures, the love that is SO obvious between all of you. apple picking...camping...delightfulness...

  5. Yay! A post! But who am I to complain...I've been a horrible blogger too! I love all the happy pictures of your sweet little family- and yes, the girls DO look older!

    How is school going? I would love to hear more about it!

  6. Georgeous photos Fairlight!! I have really been dying to see a post + sweet and adorable pictures of your girls!! Looks like even though you're staying buisy you're having lots of fun!!

    Rose is getting so big and I can't believe she and Ryder will soon be 2 years old!! Can't believe it!

  7. You know what I adored most (and there were so many things to adore) in this post? The family pictures, and the family cohesiveness that's so, so, so obvious. You four are amazing. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. I Love that you give Olivia a camera for her on inspirations. I need to be better about that.
    Your trip was lovely! Even if it rained.
    What is going on with you and the moving possiblitlies? I miss you..... can you tell?
    Beautiful children, beautiful photography, beautiful you.
    XOX, Minta
