Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On my kitchen window

Olivia picked these and brought them to me
while she was supposed to be getting the mail.
She said she liked the purple and yellow together.
She is the master of mini bouquets
and unique color combos. :)


  1. boy is she ever
    this could be in a magazine...

    Olivia, you have quiet the artists eye.

  2. What a lovely photo...I agree with Leslie, it could be in a magazine! Loving the colors together! How is home school going?

  3. I love purple and yellow, too. And she IS your daughter, so I'm sure she's absorbing your talent for color and texture and beauty and art ...

  4. Olivia has great taste!
    How are you doing?
    Still praying and praying for you and yours. Hugs.
