Thursday, January 08, 2009

The weekend

On one of the weekends that Mike was home,
after Christmas, we took a trip out to visit Old Santee Canal Park.
It was very beautiful and we had a lot of fun.
Mike looks loaded for bear with the backpack and all,
he was planning on us taking the 2.9 mile hike
around the swamp. But, it was late when we got there,
later still after we went through
both the museum and interpretive center,
and made it down to the river.
Plus I wasn't that excited about being locked
in the park for the rest of the night,
so we only walked the .5 mile boardwalk
through the swap and rice beds.
Not that I was complaining. ;)
I know we will be back some time in the spring
when it's warmer earlier in the day
and all the flowers are in bloom.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! If it's that beautiful now, I can only imagine what spring will do for it! Looks like such a lovely little trip!

