Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Baby Steps

Miss Rose has been taking some 1st steps around here.
There is nothing like seeing your baby girl barrel across the kitchen
with her arms outstretched to you.
Catch me! her look seems to say.
And that triumphant grin of achievement,
knowing that she just did something "big!"

We clapped and exclaimed and a few of us
jumped up and down with excitement.
We even remembered to grab the video camera to capture
these special moment forever.
Smiles, and laughs, mixed with some sad.
Sweet sweet bittersweet to watch your babies grow up.


  1. when on earth did she grow up....
    it must be so bittersweet to watch your child grow and become independent, but Fairlight that only means you are doing a great job!

    A big day, indeed!!!!

  2. *sigh* is soooooo miss those days. i so love that you gals are savoring your motherhood, and your children.

  3. That girl is the cutest little thing in the world and her walking I can only imagine the cuteness you all captured! Hooray for SAdie Rose!! She is really getting so big!
