Wednesday, September 17, 2008

stress style

On Monday, Daddy had a really stressful day at work.
Stressed to the max.
Mommy had an overly dramatic day (and no it wasn't either of the girls)
and was beyond emotionally tired.
So, Daddy came home, Mommy got dressed up, and the girls got packed into the van.
Off we headed.
We picked up some take out and headed to the park for a little picnic.
This is our stress relief, family style.


  1. it sounds so so so devine!

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    So glad you guys de-stressed ;)
    Picnics at the park are one of our favorite things to do!

  3. what a wonderful way to de-stress! Any ideas on how to de-clutter??? LOL
    Maybe shelving would help. Can you believe it, I have but ONE lone shelving unit in my entire home! AND none of it is carrying the load of school! CRAZY!
    Love you!!!!

  4. how lovely that sounds.

    I could definitely do with a picnic right now.. I think I know what I will do on my free saturday now :)

    did you take the picture too - it's lovely.

  5. No, Katie. Unfortunately I did not. I wish I could boast such skills. :)

  6. I am so glad you decided to get away from it all for a little while. And a picnic is such a lovely way to do that.

    btw...loving the multiple posts a week from MUCH!

  7. I can't remember the last time I went on a picnic, but now thinking about it and how de-stressful it is! I'm glad you all were able to get away and enjoy such a evening!
    It sounds exquisit!

  8. So sweet - and a great idea which I may start implementing too! :) A nice family picnic to get away sounds like the perfect de-stresser! :) I love the picture too. :)
