Friday, September 12, 2008

blessed blessed.
Some moments I have a blinding realization of all the goodness in my life.
Olivia is tucked into her antique iron bed (my grandmother's) snuggled under a quilt made by my husband's great grandmother when he was a baby. Bedtime stories have been read, prayers said, and kisses liberally applied.
Sadie~Rose is sleeping soundly in her little bed beside mine. Covered in a blanket made by a darling friend. Her soft sighs and the sound of her sucking on her pacifier can be heard.
And when I finish this, I get to go crawl into bed beside my big strong husband. Snuggle up against his warm back and wrap my arm around him, resting my hand on his heart where I can feel the steady bump of a heartbeat. I'll kiss his shoulder and then rest my cheek on it while I slowly work through the day's events and prepare (mentally) for the next. And then I'll drift off to sleep surrounded by the ones I love. Ready to wake up on a beautiful Saturday morning to pancakes and eggs, garage sale, and church. Spending time with these three people that make my life so worth while.
I am blessed ladies. And I'm thankful.
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. This is one of the sweetest posts I have ever, ever read. My new favorite of yours.

    Sweet dreams, dearie. Sweet dreams.

  2. So very beautiful, just like you! Thank you for sharing this with us. (I think I'll go snuggle with my own big, strong man now!) ~Dawna

  3. I loved this post Fairlight! I can relate to this post now that my husband is home this weekend hooray!!! :D You are truly blessed and I hope that God continues to bless you each and every day!

  4. Im adoring this post... so so much!!

  5. So precious! The blessing of our families. Even whrn they drive you crazy, not a moment would we want to miss.
    loves to a lovely ladie.

  6. What a lovely post. Such a nice glimpse into a moment of your day.

    Sarah :)

  7. so so glad you got it! Hurray, and I got mail from you today too.. good timing.
    Thanks lady.

  8. aren't these the moments...the moments to treasure and savor...God is so good to us.
