Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A walk in the garden

On our way to Oklahoma we stopped at my parents place in Tennessee.
They are growing a huge garden again this year, but instead of just canning it all for the winter they are selling their produce at the Memphis Farmer's Market and they are part of a CSA.
All very cool stuff, and very hip. I'm so proud of them.
They took us on a little walk and showed us their favorites, their new tries, their heirlooms.
And it was so exciting and fun to get to share ideas, swap stories, and be a very micro-blip part of this up and coming part of America and the whole awareness of natural, organic, locally grown movement.

My mom grows awesome zinnias.

Marmee and Sadie~Rose with the kitty cats.

Dad picking squash.

Green cherry tomatoes.

Three varieties of ripe cherries.
(Mom told me that last week she sent
18 lbs (!!!!)
of cherry tomatoes to the farmer's market.)
Both my girl's love the country, being outside,
and of course,
all the animals. :)


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Beautiful pictures - I loved the one of the single zinnia and the silouhette of Sadie Rose ;)

    What a great idea to sell the produce to a Farmer's Market!

    Sounds like a lovely time in the country ;)

  2. What a amazing and beautiful garden your Mom and Dad are growing. I am so impressed. And the zinnias. I adore zinnias they are so bright and cheery. And your pictures were all marvelous. It's so fun to see where they live.

    And thank you for telling me that I need to say no like a million quadrillion times...cause honestly sometimes it feels like that is all I say.

  3. I wish I had a garden - someday.....

    looks lovely to me!
