Sunday, July 13, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Hello all! We've been home a week, but it's been a whirlwind week and I just got all my pictures downloaded Friday. I feel like I've fallen off the blogging bandwagon!
We had a wonderful time visiting all of our family and I'm sure the next several posts will be photos of our visit. We had a blast on the 4th. Mike's brother, Jarrett, and his lovely wife, Bobby Sue, hosted the whole family at their home in the country. We were given the royal tour of their home (which they are renovating from the studs up!), picked raspberries in their back yard, went fishing in their pond nib the front yard, ate amazing food (including Greg's famous homemade ice cream), and shot off lots and lots of fireworks. I believe they were at it for something like 5 hours. Yeah...a lot of fireworks. :) I've got lots more pictures to share and some news, so make sure you come back!

Greg and Jarrett at the smoker.

Our pick of the day. Fresh raspberries!

Mike and Rose being ever so cute .

Catching a break from all the fireworks
on the front porch.

The Dad's hanging out down at the dock
(us youngins' were making quite a bit of noise,
plus I was roaming around with my camera. lol)

Homemade chocolate chip ice cream with fresh raspberries!

Olivia watching the action.
Olivia became a serious fire works aficionado,
I'm not sure how many bottle rockets she shot off
but I know we started off the afternoon with 50-some
and ended the night with 0.
If that tells you something.

A lite bottle rocket.

One of the boy's fountains.

After Olivia ran out of bottle rockets,
she moved on sparklers.
Not nearly as impressive sound wise,
but it shows up a lot better in the dark.
I think a wonderful day was had by all.
Thank you Bobbie Sue and Jarrett,
for having all of us.
We loved it.


  1. oh what fun...picking raspberries and ponds to fish in and homeade ice cream, five hours of fireworks and cute babies with their daddys and a little girl loving all the excitement. That last shot of Olivia with the sparkle is just good to have you "back" so, so good.

    love you dearly.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    That pond looks amazing! Looks like you guys had a fabulous time - so nice to spend holidays with family ;)

    Ok about the watermark. I use Photoshop. It's a process but not complicated. However, I am guessing you don't have it. If you do I would love to tell you! But good news! You can also do watermarks on Flickr!!
    Here's how:
    From Flickr, open the picture's page you want the watermark on.

    Click Edit Photo (above the picture) & Picnik will load.

    Click the Create tab at the top

    Now there are two ways you can do this...

    1. Click Text (under the tabs)
    Hold down the alt key and type (on your number pad NOT the top row of numbers) 0169 - that should put on the copyright symbol. Type in your name or whatever you want it to say and click Add. Now you can change colors, size etc and it's easy! Remember to play with the Fade Slider! This is what gives it the transparent look.

    2. You can also, instead of clicking Text, click Shapes. Scroll down and there is a © already there for you. Again once you click it, you can change it's size, Fade or color etc.

    Easy Peasy! ;)

    Please don't hesitate to tell me if I've confused you! :) I love to help!

    Good Luck! :)

  4. Looks like an amazing day! I mean who doesn't love a day with family, good food, and 5 hours of foreworks?!?!

    You have us on pins and needles with the news - do share soon...

  5. Fairlight,
    So nice to "see" you! What a lovely time you had! Five hours of fireworks sounds baout perfect to me. I adore all things to do with the 4th of July, especially the fireworks!
    I decided not to have this baby at home. I got nervious about finding the right midwife and chickened out. Plus, we have had some other things going on that made me decide to not do it this time around.
    I will definitly be checking back for the news!


    Sarah :)

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    YOU ARE SO VERY WELCOME!!!! We LOVE spending time with our families! We just wish we could spoil your girls more. Thank you for the wonderful visit and all your encouragement and prayers.
