Friday, June 20, 2008

Night out

Some girlfriends took me out to eat Wednesday as a birthday treat.
Yes, my birthday was two weeks ago, but we are all mom's
and life is very busy.
We had a lovely evening out with just us (and the two babies, Rose and Ellis)
Thank you Lisa and Rachael for a lovely dinner experience.
(champagne while perusing the menu)

(fried oysters and friend green tomatoes)



  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Looks so delicious! Happy belated, Fairlight ;)

    Ironic, Man interviewed for Odessa and we thought for SURE we had it, but we're actually going to the Highland Village area...? I have no idea where anything is there. Have you heard of it?

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Morning sweet Fairlight ;)
    The gals over at SITS ( are doing a contest for a bounce house. SITS is this great site that helps you gain readers, tells you about great new blogs & has awesome Saturday contests. If you're interested, all you have to do is, go comment (be sure to say I sent you) and put their SITS button on your page - voila! You're entered ;) If you're not sure how to put their button on your page, let me know and I can help you!

    Happy Saturday!

  3. Oh, yummy! Thank the Lord for wonderful friends and wonderful evenings!


    Sarah :)

  4. Oh it looks so perfect, I am just jealous of those two ladies that got to take you out. Speaking of birthdays, did you ever get a little birthday package from me?

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Awww why the breakdowns? :( Hope all is ok!

  6. that lens was the 20 mm 2.8 a weird little lens, that I adore.
